
Charts & Graphs

Good canopy penetration and excellent spray deposition uniformity from the top of the canopy to the bottom results from using the air-assisted electrostatic sprayer. – University of Georgia, USDA

This graph shows the quantity of active ingredient deposited onto broccoli plants. A two-fold improvement in spray deposition was achieved on the inner-canopy leaves using the air-assisted electrostatic sprayer. – University of Georgia

Deposition of Permethrin onto mature chrysanthemums was initially 3.5 times higher using the air-assisted electrostatically charged sprayer compared to a conventional sprayer. The average residual life was over 20% greater. – University of California, Davis

Spray deposited onto strawberry foliage. Trials performed by the University of California and the Strawberry Advisory Board. – University of California, Davis

Fig.1 – Foliar and nontarget deposition from conventional and reduced-volume pesticide application in greenhouses. D. Ken. Giles, T. Craig. Blewett, Steven G. Saiz, Angelica M. Welsh, and Robert I. Krieger. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 1992, 40(12), 2510-2516

The University of California completed a series of tests to investigate what happens to spray liquid after it leaves the nozzle. Conclusion: ESS technology places over 4 times the amount of spray onto the plant surface using 1/2 the amount of chemicals. Furthermore, they also reported that ESS sprayers send 2/3 less chemicals to the ground and into the air. Less chemical used overall, less waste and less drift than conventional equipment.


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